How To Improve Your Mental Health
We men live very multifaceted lives, and oftentimes our mental health can take a backseat in the process.
But, ultimately, strong mental health is the foundation upon which all else needs to rest.
Men can often feel as though they should simply “suck it up”. This is a mistake. Suppression does not end well!
Let’s examine 5 much better solutions instead:
(1.) Admit The Mental Health Problem
Listen. We have all been in denial before about our health, mental and physical. “Just keep going” can be very alluring in the short-term; until nature catches up to us and says: “THAT’S ENOUGH!”.
If you are suffering at the moment, you need to leave some extra negative pull factors at the door: namely guilt, shame, embarrassment, and ego. If others genuinely care about you, then that will extend to these hard times as well. Admitting the problem is the first (and most vital) step for better mental health!
(2.) Seek Help From Therapist/Coach
You have admitted the problem. Now it is time to seek the in-depth support which you need and deserve! There are some fantastic mental health practitioners available—including here at Men Matter Too. What’s more, many focus on helping men in particular. They understand that men can often feel uneasy about reaching out for professional help.
But talking and other therapies are vital for ensuring you can dig deep into the root of the problem; and create a bespoke plan for your personal growth and development. Far too few men seek such support compared with women—not because we don’t suffer just as much—but because we are told that it is not so!
(3.) Get Physical
We know the huge link between physical and mental health—in both mutually reinforcing directions. The truth is, unless you work in a physical job, modern-day life can be very static, and it takes effort to set aside time for exercise. But, from experience, how much better do you feel when you even just have a walk in the fresh air around the block? Probably a lot! It stands to reason since humans are not wired for being cooped up inside—and to be sedentary all of the time.
Even better if you can set aside some time in nature. The greenery and relaxed atmosphere will inevitably make you feel so much better! If you want to take a step up, think about doing some Cardio HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions, built around short bursts of fast-paced movement—perfect for burning off all of those nasty toxins and excess adrenaline/anxiety. You can even throw in some resistance training (whether body weight, free weights, or weight machines), and/or enjoy the social element involved with a Pilates or other exercise class. But, whatever you decide, start getting more physical!
(4.) Practice Gratitude
Don’t get us wrong … We understand how dark the world can seem when you are in the midst of mental health struggles. That should not be dismissed. But it is precisely in those dark moments where we need to find some light and positivity, however small or difficult it might seem. The intentional and daily pursuit of items to be grateful for will start to shift your mindset, and the more positive emotions will also start to follow along!
You can even put pen to paper as you list all that is positive around you. It might be your family, relationship, friends, fresh air, the fact that you live in a democracy, or anything at all that comes to mind. Relatedly, it is important to cultivate the kind of moment-to-moment awareness which allows you to be attuned to such daily positive moments, as in the case of mindfulness. Smell those beautiful flowers, feel the rain on your face, and don’t let this wonderful world pass you unnoticed!
(5.) Seek Respite & Release
Finally, when our mind is racing and the walls feel like they are closing in on us, it is vital to schedule times where we can simply release from our current state of emotion, in order to enjoy a simple moment, just for the sake of it. Not a means to an end; just an end in and of itself. Your worries and tasks will be there to come back to when you are good and ready, and who knows, they might now seem less intense.
Think about that 1 thing which you love to do—and make sure NOT to neglect it. Carve in stone at least 1 hour per day for reading a new book, watching a movie, having a nice soak in the bath with candles, spending time with a friend or loved one, whatever it is. Nothing is allowed to eat at this time. It is sacrosanct. No guilt or shame. You deserve this time to meet yourself each day!
We hope that these 5 solutions offer some initial guidance on how best to approach your mental health and wellness. And remember, you truly deserve strong and positive mental health, it should not feel like a luxury to have!
Admit the problem, seek help, get physical, practice gratitude, and seek respite & release. Whatever you do, don’t feel as though it is best to drown in your current negative emotions. Reach out for support. You are loved and valued!